💙 Finally Finding Success in Science and Parenting! (My personal story)

It was so frustrating!

I wanted to give my child the world, but I was failing.

This adorable third grader had read everything that the children’s library had on human anatomy--five or more times. I had purchased every book, doll, game, and model that I could find. I had purchased multiple anatomy curricula. But there was this huge gap between ‘cute’ elementary school science and real high school science, and I couldn’t find anything that would fit my child at this in-between stage.

I worried that I was failing my child.

I wanted to fan the flames of interest that burned behind those big blue eyes.

Beyond the science, I wanted my daughter to develop healthy habits. It wasn’t enough for her to be educated. I've seen kids with a good education still develop nightmarish habits that resulted in heartbreaking stories of rotten teeth, anorexia, depression, and worse…you get the idea.

I knew from those experiences that learning how the human body works, and what it needs to be healthy, was going to be essential to my child’s success in life.

Imagine my joy when I found Dr. Robin!

Now, I felt like I was giving my daughter the world! In every lesson Dr. Robin Dickinson was teaching:

  • Scientific Terminology
  • Scientific Concepts
  • Critical thinking in the world of science

But guess what else she was teaching? By focusing on the wonders of the human body and the miracle of how it all works, she was teaching my daughter:

  • To eat healthy
  • To avoid sugar
  • To brush her teeth
  • To sleep at night
  • To exercise during the day
  • To protect her skin from sunburn
  • To cope with stress
  • And even how to set boundaries in regards to physical contact- how to say NO!

By now I had happily paid $20 for each live class. I was on cloud nine, because we finally had a way for my child to learn science AND health.

When our favorite physician/teacher created the full Dr. Robin's School curriculum, we were thrilled to have an entire year of daily lessons available to us! But we also knew the value of those live interactions.

Why offer a Coloring Book Club?

Fast forward to the fall of 2023 when Dr. Robin announced that she would be offering LIVE coloring book classes for ANYONE in Dr. Robin’s School.

  • Students can jump in at any point, making this class flexible.
  • You don’t have to prepare for this class.
  • There is no homework.
  • It’s a fun, non-intimidating place to start if you are new to anatomy.
  • If the student is studying another topic in science, but you want them to develop healthy habits, you can just add this one weekly class.

I was thrilled. Coloring Book Club would continue to inspire my daughter to care for her body while learning science from an expert. Where else could I find this opportunity for her?

It’s been a couple of years. Now my daughter has been through the Coloring Book Club course at least three times. I have the completed coloring books to prove it. When I clean out our homeschool room, my daughter vehemently defends her old anatomy coloring books with sobs and tears, so you can still find them on the shelf.

After all that, would you believe she is excited about taking the Coloring Book Club class again? Yes, she loves Coloring Book Club, not just because she loves anatomy, but because a live class with Dr. Robin is something special. And we are both extra excited this year, because…

We have a NEW coloring book!

My daughter is in middle school now, so it can be hard to fit classes in. Between piano lessons, ballet practice, book club, and Latin tests, my daughter stays busy. But when I sit down to create our schedule for the next school year, I always know that the first thing I have to put down….the activity that all other activities are scheduled around…is class with Dr. Robin!

Maybe your child is not as crazy about human anatomy as this child of mine, but I bet that you are just as passionate about giving your child the best future that you can! That means that we are both determined to give our kids the best education possible, while seeing to it that they are developing into healthy individuals. Which is harder: a great education or healthy habits of mind and body? It depends on the day. Thankfully, I have a silver bullet for improving both:

Coloring Book Club!

Should you sign your kids up for Coloring Book Club?

New or Younger students benefit from:

  • Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology
  • Introduction to careers in the field of medicine
  • Gentle guidance in coloring the images of organs and cells that you want them to know
  • Listening to a qualified teacher
  • Learning from a teacher that has taught these same concepts to thousands of students
  • The opportunity to ask questions verbally, no need to type
  • Corny anatomy jokes, that keep learning low-stress
  • Developing habits of self care

Younger Student?

Here's a sample of a younger student's work from Anatomy Coloring Book Club.

Have an Older Child?

Returning or Older Students benefit from:

  • New pages have been added to the coloring book
  • New classes have been added to the coloring book course
  • Students will have a deeper understanding with each subsequent times through the course
  • If students want a challenge, they can attempt to sketch and label the images
  • Students can take notes on the extra space provided
  • Learning how to care for their mental and emotional health
  • Learning how to take care of their physical health
  • Learning to take responsibility for their own needs (eating healthy, sleeping at night, exercising daily, managing stress, verbalizing boundaries, etc.), because risky behavior belongs to the desperate among us!

Older Student?

Here's a sample of an older student's work from Anatomy Coloring Book Club.

This journey can be tough for moms. How do you know if Dr. Robin’s School and Coloring Book Club are the right fit for your child? Great question! I asked Dr. Robin to make this even easier for you.

Your child can now try Dr. Robin’s School curriculum and live classes for 30 days


I know that if you try it, you’ll love it, so try it for free. My daughter will be there. Again. I hope your kids will join her!

Get access to Dr. Robin’s School now, so you won’t miss the 1st Coloring Book Club class on September 10th!

Looking forward to a bright future for our children,

Jessica Kling

Director of Customer Experience (after being the mom of one of Dr. Robin's students!)


P.S. The new coloring book will be available for purchase on Friday, August 30th! We'll be sending out a link to get your copy!

P.P.S. If you have any questions or confusion, it’s okay. Take a deep breath. Nurse Jill Cooper is here to support you every step of the way. You can email her with your questions about science, health, or anything else in Dr. Robin’s School.

You can also book a Zoom meeting with Nurse Jill. She can walk you through everything. She can help you each step of the way!

Reach Nurse Jill Cooper (another mom who loved the program and then ended up working here!) by replying to this email or contacting her directly at jill@docrobinschool.com.

Dr. Robin's School

🩺 Teaching kids and their families about the human body 👪 So that they WANT to take care of themselves 🧪 (And sometimes prepare for STEM careers). ▶ Online, on-demand video lessons 😎 Live online summer coloring book club!

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