👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Why Dr. Robin's School is Perfect for Sibling Success!

Sarah sat down on the couch next to her husband and smiled. She had nailed it!

This school year she was going to get science right!

The best part was that she had found a way to bring all of her children back together for one subject. This would help keep family ties strong during the hustle and bustle of the school year…especially since it was Ryan’s last year at home.

Sarah had quite a mix of children. They had quite a mix of needs.

  1. Sophia was a cute third grader that was very interested in the world, but she was young enough that she still needed a lot of time to run and play.
  2. Isabella was a fifth grader that already had some independent science that came with her homeschool curriculum. She didn’t have time for four or five lessons per week from another science program.
  3. Aiden was a sixth grader. His friends in public school were taking both life science as well middle school health. Sarah wanted to cover similar topics, but she wanted Aiden to go much deeper into human anatomy.
  4. Jacob was a sophomore in high school. He attended a local private school. He was taking chemistry this year, and he had his sights set on medical school.
  5. Ryan was a senior. He was at the same school as his younger brother Jacob. He was taking AP Physics, and he was very busy with the college application process.

How on earth could Sarah have all of these kids using the same science program?

Well, Dr. Robin made it easy.

She created three different optional schedules.

  • Once per week
  • Twice per week
  • Three to Four times per week.

Let me explain.

Dr. Robin Dickinson has a science program that teaches the human body and how to care for it. It can get a little deep sometimes. In fact, some of Dr. Robin’s medical students have used the program to brush up on areas that they needed to improve their understanding.

So Dr. Robin Dickinson laid out her lessons in such a way that an interested student could complete three to four lessons per week, and still have a day left to attend the LIVE class called Ask Dr. Robin (now called Knowledge Check Up). These students can go through the entire program in one year. This became Schedule C.

Then she went through the schedule and selected the primary lesson for each week. If a student was younger and just being introduced to human anatomy, they could still journey through the curriculum by completing one lesson per week. These lessons would introduce the cell and the different organs, without getting into the nitty gritty of all the processes and details that the older students would get into. This became Schedule A.


  • Schedule A is one lesson per week- the primary lesson for the week.
  • Schedule C is three - four lessons per week; it is the entire program in one year.

What is schedule B?

Just in case you wanted your child to have science twice per week, Dr. Robin created Schedule B, in which your child can cover the primary lesson + one lesson that is a little more in depth.


  • Schedule A is one lesson per week.
  • Schedule B is two lessons per week.
  • Schedule C is three - four lessons per week; it is the entire program in one year.

Here is how Sarah utilized the schedules.

  1. Sophia (third grader): Schedule A
  2. Isabella (fifth grader): Schedule B
  3. Aiden (sixth grader): Schedule C
  4. Jacob (sophomore): Schedule C + Chemistry
  5. Ryan (senior): Schedule A + AP Physics

Everyone would come together on Wednesday night. They would pop some popcorn and watch the lesson listed for that week for Schedule A. This was the lesson that everyone needed to cover that week. After watching the lesson they would discuss how they could use what they had learned to care for their own wellbeing.

After this conversation, the youngest would probably run off to play. The senior would have other pressing responsibilities to attend to, so he would take off as well. The fifth, sixth, and tenth graders would complete the worksheets and run through the Quizlet flashcards that were embedded right there in the program. Then they were done for that day.

Since the tenth grader was aspiring to go into medicine, he went through all the lessons with Aiden, his sixth grade brother. Isabella joined them once a week, so that she could catch the lesson she was supposed to complete.

Aiden was completing all of the lessons for that week before Tuesday. On Tuesday, instead of watching a video lesson, Aiden would join Dr. Robin for a LIVE class. He would bring all of his questions from that week to ask Dr. Robin. Sometimes one of his other siblings would join him.

Jacob, the sophomore, couldn’t make the live classes work with his schedule. He just wrote his questions down, logged in to Dr. Robin’s School, and sent his questions directly to Dr. Robin. She sent back answers, usually in video form, so that she could use the models that she had on hand to demonstrate the information. Jacob was becoming more confident that medicine was the right direction for him.

It was a crazy, busy year, but Sarah was glad that she had pulled all of her kids together to learn about the human body. She was also glad that all she had to do was pop the popcorn! Dr. Robin did the teaching and answered the questions. She felt great! She knew she had provided each child with just what they needed.

Click here to get this year's schedules

Would you like to hear more? Dr. Robin Dickinson MD will be hosting a live meeting this Tuesday for interested parents. You can join us!

Even if you can't make it to the live session, please register and you'll get a recording of the replay. The replay is set up so that you can submit questions right there in the webinar as they occur to you!

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Dr. Robin's School

🩺 Teaching kids and their families about the human body 👪 So that they WANT to take care of themselves 🧪 (And sometimes prepare for STEM careers). ▶ Online, on-demand video lessons 😎 Live online summer coloring book club!

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